Why you should become an Android Developer
Ever since the first jobs were ever invented, the job market has been changing continuously according to the needs and resources it had to meet. There are professions that have disappeared as technology has advanced and jobs have evolved or people have been replaced by machines. We don’t know many scribes nowadays, do we?
Some jobs are more popular than others, some jobs will earn you more money than others, but ultimately the choice of your profession is made based on passions and skills. Some of the most sought-after jobs these days are in the field of IT. Screens take over more and more of our lives, as they start taking care of an increasing number of our needs.
The huge market of computers, phones, tablets, and all sorts of other artificial intelligence gadgets that are just emerging convinces us that IT jobs are here to stay, at least during our lifetime. Currently, one of the most popular segments in IT is app development. More precisely, Android app development.
What exactly is an Android developer?
He/she is a software developer who specializes in designing applications for the Android marketplace. Android developers are inquisitive people, they enjoy changing, building, and improving apps by themselves. Android offers them the chance to do these things with ease.
What does an Android developer do at KeepCalling?
App developers at KeepCalling maintain several apps and also launch new ones. They implement new features and improve our apps for a better user experience. They also keep statistics about apps usage so we can track our apps performance.
What does a normal workday look like for an Android developer at KeepCalling?
It all starts in the morning with checking firebase crashlytics, hoping we didn’t release a bugged version of the app. Just joking! Of course, first thing in the morning, our developers check their emails to see if any new support cases were opened.
Then they check crashlytics to see if there were any new crashes or issues encountered on our apps. Afterwards, they check their tasks in our internal tool, and if there are no new urgent tasks, they continue their work or fix bugs or if time allows they do code refactoring.

Tips for future Android Developers
In case you want to choose the path of Android development for your career, our own developers have a few tips for you:
- Start creating apps from scratch, there is plenty of information available on YouTube, Medium, Stack Overflow.
- Subscribe to the Android weekly newsletter, it keeps you up to date to current Android trends.
- Practice makes perfect. :)
Oh, and we have another one:
- a job opening for Android developers right here, at KeepCalling. Check it out and apply now!
Here’s why being an Android developer is a cool job
- Android app development is on the Forbes’ list of the most-wanted tech skills.
- Getting to work with a technology that is highly used by everyone’s mobile devices these days.
- It is easier and faster to learn than in the case of other technologies.
- Android is used on very many types of devices.