Spring came with a KeepCalling – ULBS collaboration
KeepCalling and “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu have started another internship this spring. For the 3rd year in the row, we help students from the Marketing major better understand and grasp marketing knowledge through a hands-on training program. This session is part of the on going successful collaboration between KeepCalling and ULBS. The students from the Marketing major are carefully guided by Larisa Ionescu, Ecaterina Lia and Bianca Chera. Our three KeepCallers assumed the role of mentors this time, for three teams. We’re focusing on developing the local community, so students will promote two NGOs from Sibiu (The Red Cross and Animal Life) and also the Marketing major itself. How can they make these projects more visible and more attractive for the public? They can’t wait to put all that information they received so far into practice.
April seemed to be a “Learn more” kind of month for the ULBS marketing students. Our marketing specialists Georgiana Hanea and Alex Achim also held other workshops on Search & Display ads and Google Analytics.