
Things Confident People Say: The Power of Positive Self-Expression

Confidence is not just about how you carry yourself physically but also how you communicate with the world around you. Confident people have a distinct way of expressing themselves that reflects their self-assured nature. Their words resonate with conviction, positivity, and authenticity. Let’s delve into […]

Funny Out of Office Messages That Bring Laughter to Your Email

In the world of professional communication, the Out of Office message is that virtual notice that lets colleagues and clients know you’re away from your desk, soaking up the sun on a tropical beach or perhaps attending a conference in a different time zone. While the primary purpose of an OOO message is to inform, there’s no rule […]

How to Switch to a Career in IT

In today’s digital age, the field of information technology (IT) offers vast opportunities for those seeking a career change. Whether you’re intrigued by software development, cybersecurity, data analysis, or IT project management, transitioning into the IT industry requires a strategic approach and a willingness to learn. […]

10 things that will get you ahead of everyone else in 10 years

In a world of rapid advancements and fierce competition, staying ahead of the curve is essential for long-term success. Whether you’re an aspiring professional, an entrepreneur, or simply someone who wants to excel in their field, taking proactive steps can give you a significant advantage. In this article, we will explore […]

7 Goals to Add on Your Career Bucket List

A career bucket list is a collection of goals, aspirations, and experiences you wish to achieve in your professional life. Just like a personal bucket list, a career bucket list helps you set ambitious objectives, explore new opportunities, and continuously grow. Whether you’re early in your career […]

A day in the life of a Customer Support Representative

Curious to find out what the daily life of a Customer Support Supervisor looks like? Meet Oana, Customer Support Assistant at KeepCalling! Oana is in charge with a variety of online and offline tasks in her daily work, highlighting the fact that a CS rep’s job is anything but boring! In addition to […]

12 ways to feel like you’re on holiday every day

We all love going on holiday, right? The sun, sea, and sand, the adventure, the relaxation, the freedom from daily routine – it’s all so rejuvenating. But what if you could feel that way every day, even when you’re not on holiday? Here are 12 ways to make it happen.

7 useful tips to relaunch your career in no time

Relaunching your career can be an exciting and daunting experience, whether you’re returning to work after a break or looking for a new direction. There are a number of tips that can help you navigate this process and get back on track towards achieving your professional goals. Here are some useful […]

5 KeepCallers share their KC Story

In any organization, the people who work there are what make it truly special. While we may know our colleagues by name and title, we may not always be aware of the unique experiences and journeys that brought them to where they are today. So, we’ve asked around and gathered 5 of the most […]

9 mindset tricks to stay focused

Staying focused in today’s fast-paced and constantly connected world can be a major challenge. Everywhere you turn, there are distractions vying for your attention: social media notifications emails, texts, advertisements, and more. These distractions can easily pull you away from the task at hand […]