10 movie quotes that teach us important life lessons
Everybody likes a good movie. Mainly because watching it helps us unwind, but also because we find out new things. Some of the great masterpieces out there (and even lesser known films) can teach us valuable lessons.
Here are 10 lines that inspired us, 10 movie quotes that teach us important life lessons:
1. ‘Don’t let anyone ever make you feel like you don’t deserve what you want’ – 10 Things I Hate About You
Yep, Heath Ledger was right. The way you view yourself is the only thing that matters, so don’t let the opinions of others get to you. Fight for what you want to achieve and don’t listen to the people that bring you down.
2. ‘Just keep swimming’ – Finding Nemo
This simple yet allegorical line from Finding Nemo is actually what the entire movie is about: moving forward in spite of any obstacle. Never stop, just keep going, even if you take baby steps. You’ll eventually get where you want to be and find what you’re looking for if you don’t give up.

3. ‘You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours’ – Alice in Wonderland
The White Queen in Alice in Wonderland gives Alice a very wise piece of advice. Your life is yours alone, yours to live, and yours to fulfill your dreams. So whenever you need to make a decision, always think about what you really want to do, don’t choose what you think other people would want for you.
4. ‘After a while, you learn to ignore the names people call you and just trust who you are’ – Shrek
Shrek is one of the most beloved monstrous movie characters. In spite of his repulsive appearance, he is very funny, friendly, and lovable. He teaches us that, in spite of what others think of us, we have to stay true to ourselves and not forget about our self worth. We need to trust our abilities and ignore the people that don’t believe in us.
5. ‘Your past experiences are valuable lessons to you now, learn from them’ – The Lion King
The philosophy by which lion prince Simba lives his life is another great quote that can teach us a valuable lesson: ‘No worries for the rest of your days’. However, he abandons his carefree life when the past comes back to haunt him and challenge him to face his demons and become what he was always meant to be. The Lion King teaches us that our past experiences are huge sources of wisdom that should be used in the present.

6. ‘All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us’ – Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
This quote from Lord of the Rings touches on two important lessons we should be aware of: that we are the designers of our lives and that time is the most precious thing we possess. Our lives are limited in duration, but we are fortunate enough to be free to live them the way we please. So we should make the best of our stay here on earth and try to fulfill as many of our dreams as we can.
7. ‘Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they’re lost forever’ – X-Men: Days of Future Past
This quote from X-Men can fill anyone with hope: even if we encounter obstacles or start moving further away from our goals, not all is lost. We can always find our way back and pick up where we left off.
8. ‘It’s not until you lose everything that you truly appreciate everything’ – Beauty and the Beast
There is a saying that goes ‘You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’. Many of us have experienced this in different ways. We should appreciate what we have and count our blessings every day, because we never know when we’ll be left without them. What is given to us is also taken away sometimes, so we should make sure we make the most of what we have.

9. ‘It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends’ – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Albus Dumbledore was probably one of the wisest characters in… ever. In this scene, he praises Neville Longbottom for trying to stop Harry, Ron, and Hermione from getting into trouble. What can we learn from here? That we should always be ourselves and stand for what we believe in, even if this means jeopardizing our relationships. After all, the most important relationship we have is with ourselves and we should honor it above everything else.
10. ‘You’ll have bad times, but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to’ – Good Will Hunting
We always appreciate our life more after we go through a rough time, don’t we? We start noticing the little things that make our life beautiful and find that they are actually important. Being able to go outside and feel the warmth of the sun, hearing a loved one’s voice over the phone, making plans, having the freedom to do what we like.
This quote from Good Will Hunting is very suitable during these troubling times we are living. Let’s try to stay afloat and appreciate what we have, even if there is so much uncertainty in the world around us.