10 KeepCallers, 1 question: What is your first memory about KeepCalling?
OK, we admit, we got a little nostalgic. The physical separation that this pandemic brought about made us miss each other and appreciate each other even more. So, we felt the need to connect and talk about the things that bring us together. Which led us to reminisce about the thing that brought us all together in the first place: our job.
We invited 10 of our colleagues to take a walk down memory lane and think back to the first thing they remember about KeepCalling. Here’s what they said:
My very first memory with KeepCalling is already 10 years old, my interview with Andrei and Kena. What started out like a job interview by the book, ended 1.5 hours later in a discussion about “South Park” and dogs, lots of positive energy, and the feeling that I fit in the team Andrei was building. It’s crazy how time flies, but that feeling is still there thanks to my colleagues who keep up the spirits even through the toughest times.
Cristina (Mobile Recharge Manager, Romania)
My first memory would be when I was a part of the CS Week celebration as a CS representative. I was very happy and impressed with all the treats, prizes, and contests we had throughout the week. Not many companies take the time to congratulate and reward their front line customer service people, so that is definitely a very nice memory and one of the things that make KeepCalling special. :)
Veronica (Customer Support Supervisor, Bolivia)

The first thought that comes to my mind would be the job ad when I applied for a Customer Service position, back in April, 2016. Wow! It’s been a while. 😅
Paul (Assistant Developer, USA)
I had my interviews with Andrei and Florin, and met Silvana in the fall/winter of 2007. I remember the office on Banatului street very well – the entry corridor which caused so much ado with the neighbors, the CS booths, the American office phones, the blue stove, the rattan chairs, and the most appreciated amenity – the coffee machine. Our small team used to pitch in for Jacobs coffee. It was pretty amazing to me that online calling cards could be a business, and my thinking was “we’ll see how it works out”. As they say, the rest is history.
Bogdana (Tello Marketing Manager, Romania)
Aura opened the door for me when I came in for my first interview. She had the friendliest smile I’d ever seen. Another meaningful memory for me is Christmas Party 2012 – my first office party ever and I still remember how exciting it was.
Ioana (Telecom Specialist, Romania)
Eh, off the top of my head… I remember I was waiting for my interview in the open space office. And I suddenly saw a group of KeepCallers riding their chairs to the meeting room, which looked like an aquarium. I thought that was funny and it gave me a good vibe of informality and playfulness. Which proved 100% true once I was a part of the team, and made it easy for me to adapt to the new workplace. :)
Aura (Communication Specialist, Romania)

I remember my first day of work at KeepCalling. I was welcomed in a kind way by all the colleagues, I was shown the office where I was going to work and from that day I started a very nice journey in the world of online advertising. And yes… I still can’t believe it’s been almost 4 years since then.
Bianca (Online Marketing Specialist, Romania)
Well, I am a really shy person and my first memory of KC I think is friendship, because when I had just started to work here I lost a close friend of mine and the support that I got from a person that used to work at KC was so important and until now that friendship stays.
Paola (Customer Support Specialist, Bolivia)
My first memory connected to KeepCalling is Pizza Day. :)
Jacinta (Online Marketing Specialist, Romania)
Like for most people, my first memory regarding KeepCalling is the interview. I just barged into the office on Banatului street, saw the entire team, probably around 6 people, and then was accompanied back in the lobby by Andrei Adam to be entertained until my real interviewer arrived, Florin Miron. :) I remember it was the longest job interview I’ve had, and ever heard of, as it lasted for 2 hours. :) It felt like opening the window to a completely new interview mindset, Florin was promoting the company vision and had atypical questions and the whole context had a relaxing feeling. I could see back then that Florin was a person I could learn from, having many experiences to share. I wasn’t impressed by the office much, but I remember that I liked the people, their smiles, and energy.
Carmen (Senior Marketing Strategist, Romania)