10 best job interview tips to help you land your dream job
You’ve been looking for a job for quite some time and you finally got your big break: a first interview! You’re super excited and you want to do everything you can to make a good impression and get closer to landing the job.
We’ve been in your shoes and know just what it feels like. This is why we’ve compiled this brief guide of job interview tips that will help you prepare for your dream job interview. So, take a deep breath and read on.
1. Research the company and your interviewers
Learning about the company you’d like to join is not only useful because it helps you find out whether you really resonate with it on every level, but it’s also a plus in your interviewers’ eyes. It shows you did your homework and you’re really interested in working there.
If the company’s website has a page dedicated to its employees and you can find the profiles of the people interviewing you, even better! You’ll get to know them a little bit beforehand and this might spark new conversations that will put you in a good light.
2. Practice your answers to common interview questions
There are lots of famous interview questions out there, and you’ll probably be asked at least a few of them. “Tell us about yourself”, “Why are you interested in this job?”, “What would make you the best candidate for this job?”, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” are only a few of them.
Check out a comprehensive list of possible interview questions and think about your answers to them. It’s always best to be prepared in advance instead of trying to put together a few words on the spot. This way, you make sure you get to convey everything you have to say on a particular subject.
3. Be familiar with the job description of the position you’re applying for
Remember what you would have to do if you were to get hired and use that to your advantage. Mention everything in your background that fits that description and also emphasize how you would like to do that in the future. Drop keywords like skills you’d need to have or tools you’d need to use whenever you get the chance.
4. Practice out loud
Actually answering questions out loud is a big plus when preparing for an interview. Hearing these words come out of your mouth may be intimidating at first, so you don’t want that to happen during the interview. Practicing will help you remember the answers better and also improvise better. It will give you a self confidence boost.
5. Think about the money
Money talk can seem dirty and is uncomfortable for many people. But it’s important to know where both sides stand during an interview. So, try to think of an estimate of the amount you’d want to earn doing the job you’re applying for. If you’re unsure what that type of job usually pays, you can do some research. There are websites and forums or Facebook groups where you can get this type of information.
6. Prepare questions for your interviewers
Don’t you hate it when at the end of a presentation, when the speaker asks “Does anyone have any questions?” you can almost hear crickets? That can show a lack of interest in the talk just delivered and it’s the same at a job interview. There are probably lots of things not covered by the job ad that you also couldn’t find on the company’s website. So put them down and ask your interviewers about them.
Just a few examples:
- What is the structure of the team I would be working for?
- What are this team’s goals?
- How flexible is the work schedule?
- How are your employees evaluated?
7. Show up early
The big day is finally here. You’ve had some time to prepare for it, now you just gotta show up. In time. Make all the necessary arrangements so that you can be there a tad early, but not TOO early. 10 minutes would seem appropriate. You don’t want to be in a rush and you certainly don’t want to be late.
8. Be positive and self assured
First impressions are key in this type of settings simply because there may not be a second chance if you leave a bad first impression. So try to be confident, easy going, and positive. Smile, show good manners, and be authentic in what you say and how you say it.
9. Don’t lie
Honesty is always the best policy, even when it comes to job interviews. Making a good impression is not about lying, it’s about delivering the truth in an attractive way. Being caught lying is so uncomfortable and such a deal breaker it’s not even worth considering.
10. Don’t bad mouth your previous employers
You’ll probably be asked why you want to change your job or why you left a certain job in the past. Whatever the context was, try to refrain from saying very negative things about any of your previous employers. Focus on the positive things that each experience brought you or just don’t get into too many details. You’re not there to gossip about anyone.
Minding the 10 steps listed above will prepare you for a successful job interview. Try to stay calm and answer truthfully to whatever questions you are asked. Ultimately, allow yourself to be yourself, that’s what matters the most.
And if you’re the idea of working at KeepCalling, here are our current job openings. ;)