KeepCallers helped build a home. Yes, another one!
Another year, another Habitat for Humanity experience for KeepCallers! As always, we loved the opportunity to build a new future for a family in need.
Another year, another Habitat for Humanity experience for KeepCallers! As always, we loved the opportunity to build a new future for a family in need.
Need some extra-motivation to take your career to the next level? Check out these inspirational career quotes from 24 famous people in various domains.
Feeling overwhelmed with your tasks or simply out of inspiration? Take a break! Here are some tips on how to take full advantage of your breaks.
Are you getting ready to start your first real job in your field? Here are a few job tips that will help you settle in smoothly and make the best of it!
Florin Seiceanu from our Telecom Team has attended ITW, an annual meeting for the global telecoms industry. Florin told us a bit about the event.
In Sibiu, we had the opportunity to work side by side with Ami and Paul from the Atlanta office. This was great and exciting for us, and for them.
Sharing knowledge in a company helps the team and its members grow, and generates fresh ideas. KeepCallers have tried it and results don’t fail to show.
The 2019 International Sibiu Marathon was a lovely opportunity to run again for good causes. KeepCallers had successufully risen to the challenge.
On June 1st, KeepCalling is celebrating its 17th anniversary. For us and for any company it’s great to just stop and celebrate the achievements. Here are some tips on how to mark this celebration in your own company.
In 2016, KeepCalling launched Tello Mobile, a new mobile provider on the US market, besides its Voice & Mobile Recharge services. This May Tello is celebrating its 3rd anniversary. Time flies when fighting the MVNO dragons, our Tello team would say. It was quite a journey into the unknown, at first, but we conquered new […]