
Top 10 Skills Every Professional Should Develop

In today’s fast-paced and competitive work environment, possessing the right skills is essential for success. Whether you’re just starting your career or aiming for a promotion, honing these key skills can give you a significant edge and help you thrive in any role. Here are the top 10 skills that […]

10 Books That Make You the Smartest Person in the Room

In a world overflowing with information, finding the right books can be the key to unlocking your intellectual potential and expanding your knowledge. Whether you’re looking to impress at your next social gathering or simply eager to deepen your understanding of the world, the following […]

Tips for Avoiding Burnout: Maintaining Balance in Work and Life

In today’s busy world, burnout is a common challenge faced by many. It can leave us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, impacting both our work and personal lives. However, with some practical strategies and a focus on self-care, we can steer clear of burnout and maintain a healthy balance. […]

Tips and Tricks to Get Ahead in Your Career

In the ever-evolving landscape of the professional world, staying ahead in your career requires a proactive approach and a willingness to adapt. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to climb the corporate ladder, here are some valuable tips and tricks to help you navigate […]

Looking Back: A 2023 Recap

As a new year unfolds before us, we think about all the opportunities we’ll meet along the way, about the challenger that will make us stronger, and about the changes we’ll go through that will leave us bigger, better and more experienced. But we also think about the year that just passed, that started with the same questions and ended with […]

9 ways you can celebrate Christmas all year long

Christmas is the most popular holiday on the planet, both children and adults are fascinated by it and look forward to it for 362 days a year. Because it only lasts for 3 days. And while it may seem crazy to have a Christmas tree in your living room all year long or to wear your ugly Christmas sweater in June […]

Stress reduction strategies for a productive workday

In the fast-paced and demanding world of work, stress has become an almost unavoidable aspect of our daily lives. The pressure to meet deadlines, handle responsibilities, and navigate the challenges of the modern workplace can take a toll on both our physical and mental well-being. […]

A day in the life of an HR Specialist

Curious to find out what the daily life of an HR professional looks like? Meet Anda, HR Specialist at KeepCalling! Anda is in charge with everything HR around here, so her days are spiced up with a wide variety of tasks. And her personal life is just as busy. Always on the go, she also always […]

The Art of Effective Time Management at Work

Time, the most valuable resource we possess, is finite and non-renewable. In the bustling world of work, where demands are constant and diverse, mastering effective time management is more crucial than ever. Learning to navigate […]

Celebrating excellence: Customer Service Week 2023

The week of October 2nd is highly anticipated by Customer Service representatives around the world because this is when everybody celebrates CS Week. From October 2nd to October 6th, this annual event promises a week filled with appreciation, engagement, and empowerment, all centered around […]