5 crucial tips for moms going back to work
Depending on the countries they come from and their legislation, there comes a time for mothers all over the world to go back to work and leave their babies at home. This may come sooner (one to three months in some countries) or later (up to two years) after they have given birth, but the moment is pretty much inevitable. How do moms going back to work deal with this change in their lives and how can they readjust? It’s a sensitive subject, but it’s worth thinking it over.
Tips & Tricks? Yes, please!
Most moms have a lot of mixed emotions about returning to work after maternity leave. They may feel sad for leaving their babies in the care of someone else, but in the same time, they want to regain the professional status they use to have. This is a big transition and these feelings are perfectly normal. So, moms out there, here are some tips that you’ll surely find useful when going back in business:
- Bring your baby to work before going back. It’s a good start for blending these two worlds for you. Also, the little one will see that this is the place where you are when away from him.
- Start back midweek. That first week back can be exhausting, so start on a Thursday if possible. You will be that much closer to a weekend where you can rest and think about what worked in those first two days and what to tweak before your first full week.
- Breathe… You’re not the first or the last going through this. You are still that great professional you were before having a baby, you just need to take some time to readjust. You’re even better, actually, you gained extra-skills in the meantime :).
- Have some breaks once in a while, have a laugh with your colleagues in order to reconnect with the team. Sometimes, it all starts with setting the good mood.
- Connect with other moms from work, it could do you good. You can share experiences and tips on how to keep a balance between life and work.

Managers and work fellows, you too, or sometimes especially you can help these moms going back to work feel comfortable again. Pay attention to their needs, let them know about your total support and understanding and come to their rescue if things go crazy. A tip for you? How about sending them a Welcome Back email along with a nice decoration for their desk? This can definitely lighten up any day.