10 dream jobs you would want to have
What was your dream job when you were little? Was it to be a teacher, an astronaut, a superhero, or a bride? I bet your preferences have changed quite a lot in the meantime. Whether you’re now working at your current dream job or just a job that pays the bills, I also bet you’d trade it in an instant for at least one of the extremely original dream jobs below, that anyone would like to have.
Island caretaker
Oh yes, this job exists. Well, actually it existed in 2009, when Tourism Queensland promoted the Great Barrier Reef as a global tourism destination with a website encouraging people worldwide to apply for The Best Job In The World, to be a “Caretaker of the Islands” to “house-sit” the islands of the Great Barrier Reef for half a year.
Job benefits included a large salary, free lodging in a multimillion-dollar villa, and transportation there and around the islands. The job duties listed were primarily publicity-related with web videos, blogging, and photo diaries. Over 35,000 applications were received from over 200 countries and the winner was Ben Southall, a Brit who made $120,000 and spent six months in a tropical paradise.
Waterslide tester
Doing this every day AND getting paid for it? It sure does sound like one of the best jobs in the world! The only downside? Let’s hear it from someone who did this for four years, Tommy Lynch, “It can be tough when it’s chilly and you have to strip off, but otherwise it’s great. Getting to check out the flumes is by far the best bit. But there is a serious side and it carries a lot of responsibility.”
Ice cream tester
WHERE can I get this job right now? Not only is it super tasty, it also pays well. According to Forbes, you can make up to $56,000 per year by eating… ahem, I mean testing ice cream.

Disney princess
Can you think of a dream job that is more dreamy than this? I think not. By working at a Disney park, not only do you get to impersonate your favorite character and actually get paid to be a princess, but you also enjoy all kinds of park discounts and free entries.
Netflix tagger
How much do you enjoy watching Netflix? How much would you enjoy it if you were also paid to do it? Netflix taggers are paid to watch Netflix shows and tag them according to their genre. Only a handful of people in this world are blessed to have this job, but one of them, Josh Garrell, broke the silence and said, “This is absolutely the best job out there.” No kidding!
Professional bridesmaid
This one can be so much fun if you like weddings! And if you’re a girl, obviously. Jen Glantz is the owner of Bridesmaids for Hire, an agency that “rents” undercover bridesmaids for $300-$2,000 per wedding.
Personal shopper
Who doesn’t love shopping?! Working with a person (usually a celebrity or a busy businessman) or fashion magazines, personal shoppers make sure their client’s wardrobe is always up to date with the trends. Give me your card and let me go shopping!

Bed rest participant
NASA occasionally hires people to take part in bed rest studies. For one particular study, people received $5,000 to lie in bed for 87 days. They were not allowed to get up, but they had all the fun resources they needed: a TV, a computer, a game console, and were allowed to receive visitors.
Tea taster
Tea, anyone? Only if you’re a huge fan, because you’d have to taste up to 200 cups a day and your taste buds would have to be in perfect shape. How about insuring your tongue? Yep, the world’s most famous tea taster has his tongue insured for 1 million pounds. Just like Madonna’s breasts, Heidi Klum’s legs, and Julia Roberts’s smile. As a tea taster, you’d have to travel the world to test new suppliers and products. You’d also have to be an expert in every type of tea out there.
Professional sleeper
This is literally THE dream job. Remember how our parents used to force us to go to bed when we were little and we would do anything to avoid it? Not now, fellas. Nowadays we’d give anything to get a little extra shut eye. And what if you could sleep for a living? Some people are lucky enough to do just that. Whether they take part in medical research projects or test hotel beds, some people’s dream of sleeping on the job has come true.