Wikipedia Donation
We contribute to Wikipedia as we greatly appreciate the service it offers to worldwide users. Hopefully, thanks to global donations Wikipedia will manage to remain advertising free.
2017 Contribution
Summer is our favorite time to remember the charities we support every year and renew our commitment to them. This is why we’ve just made a new donation to Wikipedia, our daily source of reliable facts.
2016 Contribution
We couldn’t forget about Wikipedia in 2016 either, so we’ve just made a $3,000 donation to the most popular online encyclopaedia in the world. This marks our 6th donation to Wikipedia and we’ll keep the tradition going.
2015 Contribution
Wikipedia is still one of our favorite charity projects! This year we donated $3000 to show our everlasting appreciation for the world’s largest free encyclopaedia. Wikipedia can only survive through donations, so we played our part in ensuring it stays free for everyone to use.
2014 Contribution
30 million articles in 287 languages, 500 million unique visitors per month. And the story goes on. That’s why KeepCalling decided to support this immense project called Wikipedia again, offering a $4000 donation.
Throughout the 13 years since its inception, Wikipedia’s content has been used extensively, including in books, academic papers and studies, and even court cases. Simplifying research work and gathering all past and present findings, Wikipedia has become a development engine for human knowledge.
KeepCalling decided a cause with this kind of international impact is worth supporting, especially because Wikipedia foundation is based upon the same cultural diversity the company also encourages. Thus, both KeepCalling & Wikipedia cherish and promote the same beliefs regarding cultural values and the importance education and access to information play not only for the present, but also for the generations to come.
KeepCalling’s donations, as well as any other funds Wikipedia foundation receives, will be used to pay for staff salaries and technology: servers, bandwidth, Internet hosting that allow staff to keep Wikipedia’s projects running. Donations are also directed toward supporting and growing the large network of volunteers who write, edit and constantly update Wikipedia content.
2012 Contribution
KeepCalling donated $4000 to Wikipedia in 2012. It was an action to support the resource KeepCalling employees benefit from professionally and personally. Also, it was a gesture to emphasize the importance of giving something back to the community.
2011 Contribution
On December 3rd, 2011 KeepCalling donated another $2000 to Wikipedia. The second donation was a strong proof that the company strongly believes Wikipedia should remain what it is: a free, reliable information database.
2010 Contribution
In 2010 KeepCalling decided to support and donate funds to the 5th most popular website in the world: Wikipedia – the free encyclopaedia. KeepCalling took this important decision as one of the company’s goals is to promote cultural diversity and support the efforts of offering knowledge to everybody on the planet.
On November 23rd 2010, KeepCalling made its first donation in value of $1000. KeepCalling’s donation helped Wikipedia continue its research and provide information to million of people around the world. All the funds collected were used to pay the website’s expenses. The largest free encyclopaedia, Wikipedia is written collaboratively by largely anonymous Internet volunteers who write without being payed. Therefore, all donations were used so that Wikipedia continue its impressive activity.