New design for all websites
At the end of November 2013, all KeepCalling websites switched to a brand new design. The new user-friendly design we’ll make KeepCalling services more accessible to its customers, by offering them a better and easier user experience.
The changes made to the old website version follow the new trends in the online environment and Telecom industry. The new pages and features serve the same services, but they are optimized for the new web-user. Information about each product is better structured, content is reduced to essential information for each stage of interaction between user and website, while being more concise and simple. Two factors that influenced the transition to the new design were tendencies in information consumption and web access from different devices.
For several weeks our customers had the option to give the new interfaces a try or switch back to the old website version. Still, mid December, all KeepCalling customers welcomed the new airy design and moved rapidly towards the improved one.