KeepCalling’s fifth donation to Wikipedia
Earlier this month KeepCalling donated $3000 to Wikipedia, the world’s largest free encyclopedia, supporting its efforts to make information and knowledge available for free to people all over the world.
It’s already become a tradition for KeepCalling to donate to Wikipedia, as this is our fifth donation in six years. Donating to Wikipedia is a tradition we care about, because we all use it and this is the best way to give something back.
14 years, 35 million articles in 288 different languages, 500 million unique visitors per month, and the story goes on. Wikipedia can only survive through donations, so KeepCalling played its part in ensuring it stays free for everyone to use.
KeepCalling chose to contribute to Wikipedia because it promotes knowledge, it’s free and easy to use, and it can give an answer to almost any question. No wonder it’s the 7th most visited website in the world!