KeepCalling Donates $1000 To Wikipedia
On November 23rd, 2010 KeepCalling donated $1000 to the 5th most popular website in the world: Wikipedia – the free encyclopedia. KeepCalling took this important decision as one of the company’s goals is to promote cultural diversity and to support the efforts of offering knowledge to everybody on the planet.
KeepCalling’s donation will help Wikipedia to continue its research and provide information to million of people around the world. All the founds collected will be used to pay the website’s expenses. The largest free encyclopedia, Wikipedia is written collaboratively by largely anonymous Internet volunteers who write without being payed. Therefore, all donations will be used so that Wikipedia continue its impressive activity.
“At KeepCalling we are always looking for causes that are worth our support. We like to support educational initiatives and Wikipedia is just that. There are countless of people around the world using Wikipedia to find information and I believe that Wikipedia has been one of the most important developments on the world wide web in the last 10 years.”- Florin Miron, KeepCalling CEO.
Wikipedia is a crucial source of information to KeepCalling as it is used to research information about countries, ranging from geography, history, language etc.
Post Image Credits to: chrisdorney /