KeepCalling at MWC 2016
There is no greater event in the mobile industry than Mobile World Congress. KeepCalling has attended MWC since 2013 and can testify that every year the conference gets bigger and better. This year, Vlad, our lucky Telecom Specialist, took the trip to Barcelona to keep us updated with the future of the mobile environment.
MWC needs no introduction, either to industry professionals or to mobile fans. What is more, this year’s event was the most successful one yet, so we can conclude that MWC 2016 was the best mobile event in history!
This obvious conclusion was reached due to a number of key facts:
- over 100,000 attendees from 204 countries enjoyed the event
- MWC was covered by more than 3,600 members of the media worldwide
- over 2,200 companies participated in the exhibition, showcasing the most varied types of devices and apps
- the huge exhibition benefitted from MWC Tours, led by industry experts who offered guided tours
- a top-notch programme including presentations by 374 speakers (among them Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and F1 driver Lewis Hamilton) continuously amazed the participants