KeepCalling at International Telecoms Week (ITW)
Few markets are as competitive and fast-moving as the telecom market. To discuss the business opportunities that continue to emerge in this ever-evolving market, KeepCalling attended ITW, an event that gathered 6,000 participants from 150 countries across the globe.
ITW addresses the challenges and newest developments of the international telecoms wholesale community during the transition to an all-IP future. The event was opened by Sir Tim Berners- Lee, the inventor of world wide web. The agenda also included the Confidence, innovation and leadership summit, featuring the results of an annual global research study monitoring the most important issues affecting senior executives within the international telecoms arena.
Another main focus was proliferation of internet in Africa and the questions and opportunities that Africa’s data boom provokes. Mapping the future of networks and cloud services and redefining content and carrier relations were also discussed within the panels.
It is the fourth year KeepCalling attended this landmark of the international telecom industry, helping the company create new connections, stronger relationships with clients and partners and improving customer experience strategy.