Charity Testimonials
Thank you from the bottom of our heart for your support! It’s an honor you trust us and an ecouragement to carry on and give children and young people from the Romania countryside a chance to a better life.
World VisionRomania
On behalf of all of our borrowers, thank you for lending on Kiva.
Thank you dear friends from KeepCalling for helping us to build a home and a future full of hope!
Habitat for Humanity
“Bike to Work” Charity Program
/in Education, Giving Back ProjectsBike/Walk to Work 2014 KeepCalling’s charity project Bike/Walk to Work reached its third year. How did this program evolve from a pilot project to a tradition. Here’s the answer: because there are three sides, all of them good, to this story! 1. It reduces strain on the environment. 2. Free gym on wheels: the project […]
Photoshop contest sponsorship
/in Education, Giving Back ProjectsIt’s part of KeepCalling’s tradition to support good causes, education & PC literacy. Therefore, sponsoring a contest that challenges students’ computer skills came natural for our company. KeepCalling sponsored the 12th edition of “Dual PC”, a national contest dedicated to secondary & high school students in Romania. KeepCalling offered to donate the prizes for the […]
OvidiuRo Early Education Program
/in Education, Giving Back Projects$4000 donation for “Every child in Preschool” project in 2014 Because early education is mandatory to assure the basis of a long-term success in school and later on, in life, KeepCalling decided to continue supporting OvidiuRo’s efforts to reduce the rate of children not attending kindergarten. This third year of collaboration brought a $4000 contribution […]
Camelia Oprea, Romanian Maths Whizz
/in Education, Giving Back ProjectsThis summer KeepCalling donated $1000 to Camelia Oprea, a 10th-grade student in Sibiu, Romania. The amount donated by KeepCalling supported Camelia’s participation in AwesomeMath, a three week Math camp held until August 17th in Santa Cruz, California. Camelia is a very gifted teenager who has won numerous competitions and is Romania’s no. 1 mathematician in […]
Tichindeal Elementary School
/in Education, Giving Back ProjectsIn support of CSE, the Association of Economics Students, KeepCalling assigned part of its 2012 charity funds to Tichindeal Elementary School, located near Sibiu, Romania. The donation covered for school supplies and dental care hygiene products dedicated to all 53 children studying here. The amount used to purchase the health care goods represented part of […]